Sunday, May 25, 2008

One More Step

So here I am. May 25th waiting for my friend to pick me up to go bbqing and swimming for the night. It will be great to get out of the city but my stupid thoughts won't stop going to him. Maybe I'm over reacting, maybe this is how it always has been, always a step back when things aren't perfect, when things are just a little harder then each of us wants. A step back and a spin and all I get is his back turned to me. The way I see it is when something is going wrong or something isn't as perfect as we would want it to be, it should be talked out, worked out. I feel the worst way is to stop talking. We have hardly talked all weekend and from what I see, he thinks it is 'easier' to deal with it??? Yes this is an absolute bitch blog but whatever. He says I give him attitude so he doesn't talk to me. Doesn't care to ask what's up. Doesn't care to give me an inch of time, just would rather go on with his life and forget about the difficulty that I'm giving him. It's easier that way. Bull shit. 

So what now I think. How does it visually seem so much easier for everyone else. Every couple that surrounds me just makes it look so simple. What is it? I don't get it. 

It is what it is. Us not talking, us fighting.... it all will pass and this too will pass. Things will get better and things will get worse. I can give them the attention I think they deserve or just let everything be what it really is. Indifferent issues in life that seem to distract us from enjoying every step and every breath. 

This too will pass...

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