Monday, July 14, 2008

Where I be, I am

Another moment, another day and another night goes by that I contemplate blogging. That I find myself fighting the urge to write down and face the things that I have pushed away. As I re-read what I write and think about the things that are truly on my mind, I find it hard to address them. 

Summer days have taken over life and the carelessness and freedom has become my way of living. It's great, it's nice, it's everything I could ask for right now. I don't think about the future or the past that has shaped me, I am every bit in this moment as the second hand on any clock. It's simple really, to just go with it. To make a decision in a split second, to change my plans at the drop of an idea, to switch my step to avoid a fall. I'm happy. Things are hard, things are easy, things are everything that they are suppose to be. 

I lay here on my own couch, my own purchase, in my own living room and it feels nice. It feels good to have a fresh start, to have a new life and to once again, begin. A clean slate, to make anything everything I want it to be. I've changed my perception about this place and this situation I find myself in. It feels good to know that although I may be alone, and always have been alone, I have many people to surround myself with. 

It feels good to be. It feels good to be here. It feels good to be alone. And it feels good to know that I can start over wherever I go. 

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