Monday, October 6, 2008

Take A Look

So I was driving home from work tonight, once again singing quite loudly to the steering wheel and the vast of darkness before me and was completely taken back by the sight of the moon. 

Lying on it's side, almost a complete half moon with a hint of orange. It was beautiful sitting in the dark sky surrounded by the millions of stars. One of my favorite times of year, driving through the falling leaves and in awe of the beauty nature can become. I stepped out of my car and inhaled the smell of a fireplace and the hint of winter. It was freeing. It was comforting. I can not wait to soon see those falling leaves I currently drive through turn to falling pieces of snow that just can not seem to hold onto the tree branch any longer. I love this time of year, it is so warming.

If I could take a picture of it I would have, but it would not capture the same feeling it created.

We had a fire in our fireplace the other night, our first one of the fall and it was great. Cliche yes, but it was so nice to have my mom, dad, sister and I all together. One big happy family, yes of course we have our days, fights and aggravations but in the end, we all love each other. I can not wait to spend more cold fall and winter days with them this season.

I came down with some gruesome bug this past weekend. I was summoned to my bed and couch all day Saturday, a great way to catch up on sleep, if you like being ill. I feel much better, still a little weak but definitely coming out of it. Why is it when we are ill, all we want is to be taken care of, babied and constantly checked up on? Well, that is at least how I felt. I called my mom Saturday at some point during the day when I was awake inquiring when she would be home to take care of me. It is so tedious to have to continue getting up and refilling your own water and juice glass when you yourself are sick. Okay, okay, maybe a little selfish and childish, but I'm pretty sure we all happen to acquire these selfish, childish traits when we are sick. Needless to say, she soon came home and nicely continued to fill up my juice glass.

A busy week ahead full of doubles, getting my hair done, (which isn't so bad) trips to the gym, researching another story, sending out my resume and cover letter and of course taking time to read and write. Life isn't so bad and I guess it would be boring if it was a constant breeze. 

I guess life's way of keeping us on our toes is to ping objects, obstacles and new turns at us that we must dodge and adapt to. Bring it! 

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