Sunday, May 3, 2009

Honey Hive

A moment it hits, a moment it is gone. A noticeable melody, a slap in the face, a diversion of the mind. Divert the thoughts to the present. Clear the blurriness with visions of the second hand. A quick hit, and an attempt to retreat. Stuck in the sticky honey, surrounded by the hive. I'd rather be stung for a quick instant than stuck here in the depths of this honey hive.

Always want the fight, the drama, the obsession. Why are these obviously negative things deemed so attractive? When do we learn that these obsessions are merely that, obsessions that leave us addicted to an imaginary thing.

I recently consoled a friend over a break-up. Nothing drastic, a few weeks together, a few great times, but obviously nothing meant to be. How do we fall so quickly for people that are unmistakably so wrong for us? Are we blinded by the excitement of a new adventure? Are we more apt to engorge the good and lessen the bad to fool ourselves into making it seem better than it really is? Are we so afraid of being alone that we will fall for those who we wouldn't date otherwise?

It's been a while since I've blogged. Things have changed of course, as anything would over time, but absolutely no regrets. 

It's funny how in the moment of a second I wonder, 'is this...' and then I hear it and it is. Is it soothing, distracting, indifferent or something untouched? I guess a bit of all. It's hard to ignore when it is there, in my ears, surrounding my body, putting chills on my skin, but once it has ended and has been replaced, the memory, the feeling, the chills all end, my skin smoothes, my vision clears and the road in front of me extends and I continue.....

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