Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Morning Call

What I find so crazy is the quickness of change. What I find so crazy is I can feel the heartache and pain they are going through. What I find so crazy is how fast someone's life can be taken away.

Just received my second call of my career informing me of death. An indirect death that no doubt has had a direct effect on their lives, hearts, thoughts, and memories. Last week he was merely in the hospital, a victim of the prevalent H1N1 flu and now lifeless, beaten and defeated by the illness that has taken over our country.

I am in disbelief at the speed something can take over our immune systems, our one and only force keeping us alive. It's unthinkable that there are more powerful things out there to tear down and break down our bodies. Think about it, what we have is our skin, our blood, our heart, our organs, these things were built to keep us alive, these things were produced to carry us through time, to think of some illness destroying that creation is crazy. To think that there is something so much more powerful out there to take out life, is scary.

Feeling bad for these people and wishing in some way I could do something to shed some pain.

Be thankful for the people in your life and try not to take them for granted.

Happy Thanksgiving.

God Bless.

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