Sunday, March 14, 2010

Welcome to the Sewage Shop - It IS refreshing

Lazy Sunday. Burlington Boy and I engorged ourselves in a feast after many hours of sleep; blueberry pancakes, bacon, coffee and a stroll through town. Happy Sunday.

Spent last evening dancing, spilling drinks, and strolling the streets as a herd. It felt good. Caught up with a long lost friend and connected with people as our bond was strengthened, even though the bar often smelt like a sewage shop, I was refreshed.

There is something about meeting with many different people around one table, being loud, reckless and interested. All coming together to support, have fun and be with one another is inspiring. Having friends is inspiring. It is often over looked and just assumed, yes people have friends, but do we occasionally take them for granted? What would life be like without our daily companions, our best friends, our lovers? Boring. Lonely. Would we adapt?

I went for a 12 mile run yesterday afternoon as part of my training for the marathon and I found my mind wondering to one of my best friends. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of blessedness. How have I gotten so lucky to have just this one person in my life? I think of her and am overcome with relief, thankfulness and all feelings of ever being alone are shattered. We all have those days and I often say we are and always will be alone, but it is moments like this where I retrace those words and take them back.

With her in my life, with best friends in my life, I will not be alone in the heart or in the mind.

Try not to take them for granted, try to treat them as you want to be treated, stay in constant contact, fight for what you want.

Relaxing on this Sunday...God Bless.

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