Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Only Thing That is Constant is Change

So here I am, four months from my first and only blog post in the same hopes to attempt at this fad of blogging. I have been sitting at my computer for the past hour now trying to work on this cover letter that I need to finish by tomorrow morning to send out to a publisher. Needless to say it is not done and probably will not get done. How can I find the motivation to sit here and carry on about indifferent issues when the important things seem too hard to focus on? I guess it's about actually wanting to do something and not the other. 

So I went home this weekend for Easter. It was interesting, not a weekend I would have raised my hand and volunteered for, but still nice to see the family. I don't know, maybe I just look at things in one light, analyze things based upon one similar occurrence. I guess if I look at the weekend and divide it into individual things and occurrences instead of as a whole, then I could say I enjoyed it. And yes I did actually enjoy it. 

My parents got me a car for my graduation present. I am now a proud owner of a Kia Rio 2006, tropical red. It's fun, it's cute, it's affordable and it's GREAT on gas. When it comes to prices rising and the economy failing, looking and finding an economy efficient car is key! It's cute and handles well, I like it!

This is what it looks like, just imagine it red! 

After almost four years living here, I still struggle when returning from home. Maybe it's the small town, maybe it's the comfort, maybe it's being around my family for a few days, or maybe it's actually seeing my boyfriend that makes it hard to leave where I grew up, but it's always a struggle.  Sometimes I just feel as if time slows down when I'm home, things just seem a little more indifferent; life retracts and is not much of a rat race anymore. Is it merely the city that makes me feel this way, is it my current lifestyle, do we awaken and burden ourselves with this tension, stress and constant to always strive for better?

I don't know, but going home and getting back into the 'swing' of home life is a challenge, and leaving once I have gotten back into the 'swing' is also a challenge. Maybe it's good I come and go, maybe if I stayed there for more then a few days getting back into the 'swing' of things would mean falling back into my old ways, becoming stuck in a lifestyle that is so easy and convenient. Would this be so bad? Were my old ways so bad? Would going back mean stepping back? Would life at home still be the same after everything I've learned, seen and grown from?

To grow must we continue to change? And if we go back, will the same place still be the same?

The only thing that is constant, is change. 

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