Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The American Dream

Comfortably sitting in my living room on my couch listening to Ben Folds. 

Happy Veterans Day to all those veterans and soldiers in the world. I was watching the news tonight and there was a story about Veterans Day. The news team interviewed a veteran whom expressed his concerns and disappointment with the lack of people that came out to show their appreciation for the individuals who fight for our country. He stated there were more people in the parade than people watching and supporting. A sad realization, but more often than not the truth. When was the last time you took a moment to appreciate a soldier or thank them for the work and fight they have battled to keep our country safe? Please read this story (http://www.wptz.com/news/17958734/detail.html) and if you haven't already, please begin to realize that not only are we and will we always be the United States of America, but it is our soldiers who help keep our country safe, help maintain our freedom and help us reach the American Dream.  

I was outside tonight dancing around the yard in hopes to warm myself up while Barney, my grandmother's dog did his business. I stood there holding onto the leash in one hand while the other was shoved into the pocket of the fleece coat. I watched my grandma through the window as she sat in her own solitude and smoked her cigarette. She looked adorable in her pink fleece night gown, yet shrinking in her black wheelchair. I finally had a moment to sit down with her and catch up, spend time with and revisit moments in her life. She told me stories of marching bands that covered an entire football field. She described their uniforms of blue, white and gold; the look in her eyes was as if she was still sitting in that stand, amazed with the colors of the uniforms that were heightened by the stadium lights. It was as if she was still sitting in that stand next to her husband, my grandpa telling him to stop shouting at a certain player. As if she was still sitting in that stand chilled by the cool air. Her eyes, her expression, her details only helped build and paint the picture in my mind that she was envisioning before her.  An overall great dinner with my grandma. 

I met up with the photographer today that did the shoot for Steezteez. We went over the rest of the photos and I picked out the ones I liked. He showed me some videos he has been working on and many photos that he has taken. It re-opened my love for video production, broadcast journalism and photojournalism. Hopefully sometime in the future I can create my own dark room and purchase Final Cut so I can work on this video that I was working on over the summer. 

Many dreams, many visions, many goals to be reached, but without these we would be mindlessly walking through life. 

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