Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It has been months from my last entry, weeks since my last journaling session and minutes since I have actually thought about writing.

I am here. I am here in San Francisco with an apartment, a job and a new city to explore. Things are not as easy as I dreamed of. As insignificant as it may seem, I battle with the transit system daily, I sit on benches late at night waiting for minutes upon minutes for a single bus that I hope will show up as tears stream down my face. I walk into an empty apartment with often a lack of passion and still find myself craving something so deep and so true... what is this depth? What is this truth? Is it finally time to accept that this depth and truth is not in a place, it is within me?

I am happy I moved. I am happy to be in a new city. I have yet to have a chance or the funds to really explore and I feel my days are being spent working, working out and again, battling the transit.

I am not at the job in which I had hope to get. I do have a lunch date with someone that I hope will lead to great potential. I hope this lunch date will lead to at least an internship, an open door and an endless amount of possibilities of exploration. I want to join groups; running groups, yoga groups, cooking groups, I want to travel to India to explore the depths of meditation and yoga, I want to learn about meditation, I want to learn about the inner being so I can find this truth and this depth?

I must already possess these answers that I seek. Am I too loud? Am I just not listening enough...?

Where do my dreams lay? I am on a path...that in turn will lead to great things.

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