Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Moment

I had a meeting the other day with a wise woman that wants to continue to work with me and my writing, an appealing and salivating concept considering she is across the country. Writing and I have been like an on and off again relationship, partly because my lack of dedication but not my lack of love. I hereby dedicate at least one day a week to my passion of writing. One late night, one early morning or one sentence on this blog at least once a week. There you have it onlookers, you are my witness, if writing is my passion, why am I being so distant and not giving it my utmost attention. As the old people use to say, 'if you don't use it, you are gonna loose it.'

So to the wise that take time to mentor me... I shall write on.

An excerpt I scribbled down while riding the train into work one day:

"I saw a grown man cry on the train this morning. he was reading, 'water for elephants.' i am intrigued by this book. what depths could it be about to make a grown man cry? is this man extra sensitive, or is this book amazingly powerful? he wept as i sat beside him and contemplated what was on the page and touching his soul in a special, memorable way."

I stood up in preparation to exit the train at my destination, before I took that first step out I glanced back at him. He starred at me in wonderment. I gave him a half smile filled with desires to enlighten his day and to leave him with hope that whatever he was crying about is not this moment. In an instant, in a moment of a half smile, our eyes met. As he starred in wonderment and I starred in wonderment, I stepped off the train, out of that moment and continued on with my day.

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