Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do they coincide?

---A random morning after returning from my trip.

Growth and happiness, do they coincide? Do they encompass each other? I sat around with my friends from home and watched them as I saw their growth in the time that had passed. I am proud. Their growth is symbolic and reflective of my own growth. Their happiness is symbolic and reflective of my own happiness. It was a comforting feeling.

As we grow, do we gain happiness? It could have been the way it always was, but through ambition and a new degree of desire, the norm shifted to something new. A great something new. A positive twist to something that was so engrained.

So, here I am, back in the city that helps me grow. Instantly back in the swing of things. Days consisting of hours with books, running endless miles and nights in comfort. Application deadlines are approaching as one is already behind me. I continue to type my thoughts in my phone as I ride the muni to the bart and the bart deeper into the city. Epiphanies take me by surprise and I find myself vigorously typing.

I'll continue to listen to my country music in this new city as I glide through the crowds and embrace my own happiness.

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