Friday, January 7, 2011

A Morning in Vermont

Can't sleep. Yet unable to get out of this amazingly comfortable bed. Concerned that the puppy is chewing on my boots. Home for a week and it already seems to be flying by. Hitting the gym in a little while to gain some footing and then a full day of massages, pedicures, lunches, dinners and shopping. It is quite luxurious. Apparently snow is on the way. My stomach is hungry. Trying to remind myself how I got here, not physically but part physically and mentally. It's weird to think that I have a life on the west coast that no one here knows about. It is very weird actually. I guess they know the important thing and that is that I've landed safely. But they don't know the little things. The bus route I take, the coffee shop I love, my favorite building in the city, the thoughts I have when I look at the Bay bridge. Maybe it is partly my fault and my lack of sharing or documenting. But either way, I have a whole other life across the country that is certainly unknown to them. But I guess that's how it's going to be when you simply get up and leave. Things here are refreshing. Maybe it is the pure, cold air or just the ability to breath freely for a little while. Some things have changed while others have stayed the same. But it's not all that surprising. Deep breaths, realizations and a few moments to stretch. Filling my stomach and hitting the gym.

God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing it to my attention that I should ask these is not that I am not a new way of a conversation/questions that I should ask. Love you!