Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Tree Candles

You know when you have those moments that you know you will remember for the rest of your life...? I had one of those tonight.

Maybe it was the glass of red wine, maybe it was the half eaten chocolate turkey or maybe it was the scent of pine tree that the candle was exploding into my living room, but this feeling of relaxation came over me. This feeling of calmness.

I envisioned what it would be like and it looks beautiful to me. I envisioned what it would feel like and it feels warm to me. It's a peaceful feeling. I know it seems a bit ambiguous but that is just the way it is suppose to be.

It has felt good these past few has been calming...soothing...and comforting. Immediate proof that it's all going to be okay.

I finally ran seven miles today... after a few days of laziness and pure isolation, I picked myself back up and ran it off. Nine tomorrow and a day of nothing but me.

The pine tree smell, AKA the Christmas tree smell (Thanks Mom) reminds me of home. Reminds me of snow covered pine trees and the muted lights that sit beneath the snow. A new way to spend the holiday this season... what better way than with a best friend. Holiday music has been sparse and Christmas cookies just seem uninviting in the kitchen... an invite to craft has been extended among Christmas parties and holiday celebrations that should commence next week.

2:24 reads the digital clock that sits in the upper right hand corner. I watched two episodes of an old favorite show tonight... that's right... I could have done homework, I could have studied more for my exam tomorrow... But how productive can someone really be at midnight? Needless to say I chose to watch some TV.

Contemplating a plane ticket home just to feel the cold air on my cheeks and breath in the cool, fresh air. The Christmas decorations will be gone and the holidays will be over... but sometimes the comfort of your own family is all you really need.

Deep breaths. I am tired. Work has been consistently slower and I continue to search for my pre-reqs. Time is closing in on me and I need these classes. 5 new programs to apply to and one that I am particularly excited about.

Barney lays across my stomach and begins to snore as my eyes drift between open and closed... Goodnight.

Dream on.

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