Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A brief entry

Day off consists of sleeping in, awaking to french toast, laying on the couch and zoning out to Christmas Vacation while attempting to read Inequalities of Gender for sociology.

Movie is over, stomach is still full, chapter complete and lesson assignment ready to be handed in. Barney and I lounge.

Six miles on the road awaits me along with some much needed editing of the footage of our trip. No big plans but to study, sip on lattes and to stay warm. I thought California was suppose to be warm...? I had my winter hats shipped out just so my ears wouldn't fall off! Okay, so it is not that cold, but definitely colder than I expected.

Waiting to hear back on my acceptance into another round of classes before purchasing a ticket home... Laying out all my possibilities for nursing programs; the application process will begin at the turn of the new year.

Went through the slideshow of our pictures last night from our journey across the country. Although it happened and I obviously know it happened, I forget how amazing the trip was and how amazing it was to just get up and leave. It's liberating. It's nice to know that I can do that. That I can survive. The experience is something that warms me. I cannot wait to get on the road again or to explore a new culture/society, but right now this is where I am at.

I am spending my days at coffee shops, in front of computers, with my head in books, with my right wrist in pain from writing so much, with my shins hurting from my runs and with the hard pavement among my feet. I am spending my days traveling and seeing new faces among this city, getting use to the California way of life and dreaming of the next big thing. I am spending my days learning, growing and believing that it is only going to get better. That alone is exciting.

C'est la vie.

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