Monday, December 6, 2010

Where do you expect me to put it..?

I found this in my folder of drafts from a few weeks ago... I don't really know why I didn't post it. Maybe I felt as if it was incomplete... but for me right now, it is complete. Where do I place it?

"My love is like a raven with a broken wing," said the Italian that sat at my kitchen table. My heart went out to that love... that deep passionate love that burns deep inside my soul. I feel it. I feel it everyday and don't know where to place it on the shelf of life. Don't really know where to throw it at the indifferent tasks that take up my minutes. So I throw it at my schooling, I throw it at my little puppy that envelops my heart and I throw it at my time that I have for myself... it seems often obsolete and nonexistent but I know it is there.

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