Thursday, November 13, 2008

Discreetly Dance With Me

I can't seem to put down what I was thinking earlier without making it sound like I want to run away. 

I was sitting at my kitchen table in debates with myself about going out again tonight and thought how effortlessly you can get up and walk away from a situation that just seems unreal. I thought how getting lost in the comfort is a measurement of simplicity. I thought about how easy it is to let go when the vibration of someone's voice sits upon your back. 

A simple request of 'please talk to me' allows my own thoughts to escape my mind and me to sink into the depth of their stories. A simple request that puts me at ease and makes things uncomplicated. 

A shallow whisper traced over my ear as sleep was on the brink, was it meant to be heard? 

I laughed out loud at the sight that walked by. Typical I thought, hypocritical. It was just funny to see the results, even after all the things he had said to me, even after all the things he had said to her, where did the love go? Yes, a question I have asked many times for many different circumstances, but really, that is what it comes down to. Was it ever really there if things can so quickly change without even a second look?

 It's funny that I often think I'm invincible. Does anyone else ever feel like this, or am I the sole rider? I don't know where this feeling ever came from or why I think that nothing can get to me, hurt me, or wound me, but I think the first time someone ever pointed it out to me was when I was in high school. I remember talking to my mom about something and I think the way I presented what I was speaking to her about made her question me and my idea of security. I don't know I just remember telling her that I felt like nothing could hurt me and I felt on top of the world. Yes, an amazing feeling to have, and don't get me wrong it is even to this day, but sometimes I feel that I take it to another level and feel that nothing will ever get me down or hurt me, inevitably I believe that I am invincible. 

It's crazy when suddenly something is said or you merely snap back to reality and notice that you are not invincible and things could get to you. I had this recognition the other night and then shortly after was hurt.  I don't know, I just find it funny that I often feel that way and do not realize the repetition and take it into account. 

A blog of random thoughts and discreetly touching upon little things that have occurred the past few days. Time to shower... and yes time to face a risk. 

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