Tuesday, September 23, 2008

EmBrAcE iT

In attempts to relax from a long day at work and then the gym, I found myself absolutely mesmerized by the pictures that continued to pop up on my screen saver. Stuck in a trance of reliving every experience, moment and memory that the pictures revisited. Don't really know what more to say about it.
 I miss my girls but know they are out there and we carry each other in our hearts. 

I will be going back in February, but it just will not be the same without them. So many moments that slip through my mind or may be forgotten, but after seeing a photo the warmth quickly fills my heart. 

We were free. Although our families and friends back home were missed, we were free from any and everything. Problems, love and happiness back home were indifferent to us. We had each other and our new freedom. We had the world in our grasp and held it close and tight. We became explorers in our own adventures and hugged every moment with as much intensity as possible to never forget the feeling of being free. 

Fear did not exist. Fear of the unknown was another great adventure to explore the next bend. Not only did we find new friends and places, we found ourselves.  
We found new angles, dreams and discoveries we may have just passed by in comforting surroundings. 

Looking through these pictures, I was there once again. I was sitting on top of that mountain in Switzerland, breathless by the climb and the view. I was insanely content and free from any careless problem again. I could feel the support of Lindsay and the chill on my cheeks once again.

I was sitting on that stone hedge with Megan at the Island of Capri eating that sticky orange and making funny faces at Whitney as she photographed the moment. 

When we take photos who are we smiling at? Who are we blowing a kiss to? Who are we laughing at? Will we remember the joke when we revisit the picture in the future? Our future selves. We smile, blow a kiss, or laugh with our future selves to help us remember that time. Every photo taken for our future self and future onlooker.

It is easy to let time slip by and to just watch the hand on a clock make it's rotation, but it is even easier to hug every moment, to make every second worth it. To walk, to breathe, to look with passion. Whether it be hatred, love, happiness, whatever, it is so easy to be passionate and to embrace every step, breath, look and instant. 

Embrace it, let time run it's course and hug it with every bit of energy you carry with you.   

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