Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where were YoU?

Where were you 7 years ago on September 11th when two planes crashed into the The World Trade Centers in NYC? 

Were you still sleeping peacefully in your apartment? Were you jogging through the park thinking about all the activities the day would entail? Were you sipping a coffee outside a quaint cafe with a long-lost friend? Were you in class learning geometry? Or were you exiting the North tower building? Where were you?

I was sitting in one of the science classrooms at my high school with my friend Rihanna. The TV was on, silence swept through the school and the only sound that filled our ears was the newscasters and our own whispering questions.

I honestly wasn't in shock because I didn't really think it was real. I saw what it was, but at first I merely thought one of the buildings was on fire. I didn't grasp the theory that someone had deliberately crashed a plane into one of our country's landmarks and deliberately killed people. I did not understand that we were targeted and our country was in danger. 

It wasn't until that night when I was home alone, sitting on my living room floor working on a project for school, that I watched the news and saw people jumping out of buildings, and the footage of the collapse. I was then in shock. I'm sure like many other people that night, and for days to follow I watched the footage over and over again in disbelief and horror.

7 years later and we're still fighting, still defending and still claiming our ground. But does it or will it ever really end? Once this is over, something else will creep along and cause another 7 year battle to 'win.' 

Are we really winning anything, or just loosing our loved ones and dignity in hopes to grasp some power?

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