Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Approaching Fall

Sitting in the kitchen at the kitchen table, a loaf of zucchini bread to my left, orange juice to the top of the screen and the window blowing cool Fall air upon my face. I walked outside yesterday to run some errands with a client and I could feel Fall. I could feel the holidays (although still far away) approaching, I could feel the warmth of just the thought of them envelop my heart.

Yesterday was a long, but fine day. I worked at the Ice House in the evening and was happy to be a part of a party of 18. I was happy about this before they walked down the stairs and told us that they would need to split the bill 18 ways.... c'mon people... really? Okay okay, it wasn't awful, but 18 different American Express cards is a bit redundant, to say the least.

The two insurance men boldly sitting next to this party of 18, took it upon themselves to pull me aside, throw some witty banter my way and chat it up. Maybe they chose me because I was the only girl working that night... or maybe not, who knows. One was the creator/owner of McAuley, Woods and Associates. They were trying to convince me to become an insurance agent and were discreetly bashing my choice of journalism. Well, it is what it is. I guess I would never be one to understand why people feel they have the right to pass judgment on some one else's life choice, I guess these men disregard this notion or are completely oblivious. Either way, they gave me their cards, tried to figure out if they knew of anyone in journalism in Chicago or London. Nothing came to the surface and honestly nothing probably will. I just found it comical.

And the search for the Passport begins....

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