Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week One... CHECK!

The familiar grime of sweat and salt gathered upon my face, the voice in my head complained and my shin splints presented themselves in full force, but my first 8 mile run in this 18-week training period is complete and I feel rejuvenated.

A day of rain, led to a beautiful night. An inviting temperature to run the streets of San Francisco. I silenced my thoughts and listened to my breathing. I crept up on people and I was pleased with my quite, almost soundless footsteps. I soared through the streets.

This daunting 8 mile run became one familiar step after the other, my breathing calmed and I conquered the frequenting voice in my head grumbling of sore muscles.

I now sit on the couch, relaxed and content with a glass of wine and blanket thrown across my legs.

One week and 24 miles completed...

Run On.

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