Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Little Girl

Taking a moment to sit down between lesson assignments, dishes, running and mailing out another application for 3 new classes. Breathe. I might be over doing it... I haven't even thought about how I am going to pay for it all financially, especially when a turn of events occurs I will need an extra few thousand just for a first deposit.

I am being rational but also head strong. I know what I want and I guess that's more than I can say for other people. I want to be in this program next fall for the mere fact that I want my RN before I am 27... yikes 27 seems daunting. It will all fall into place.

Week 3 I think of training. It is going well. I most definitely need new shoes and the dreaded shin splints are making some runs a bit unfriendly. Hoping to buy them this weekend.

OH Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you take some time to recognize what you are thankful for. I am thankful for many things in life and I whisper them to myself when needed... I keep them close to my heart.

A friend told me that he keeps a picture of himself as a little boy and said that every time he looks at it he knows that he has to take care of this little boy. Although it is him 20 years ago, he still loves this little boy and knows that he needs to take care of him. I thought this was very insightful. Sometimes, actually very often, I forget to take care of myself. I forget to eat, I forget to breathe, I forget to ask myself what I want to do, what I want for dinner, what I want this day to include. I feel this mental image or an actual picture of me as a little girl will help me realize that this little girl needs to be taken care of everyday, needs to be loved everyday and I am the only one that can do that. I thought this idea was so insightful and so helpful. As my tears dropped into the cup of hot water with lemon, I realized that he is right, and although I am a woman, it is easier to realize that I still need to take care of myself as a woman or little girl... either way I need to take care of myself.

At home with the B... tearing apart a paper towel roll, snuggling on the couch and singing loudly. Back to work I go and then off to run... Try to stay focused on what is right in front of you. Don't let life pass you by by dwelling and allowing unhappiness to envelop you. There is good in everything and everyone. Get out of the house and see what you pass by each day.

Happy Thanksgiving... smile and try to be thankful for the things and people that are there.

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