Monday, December 29, 2008
I Fall 2 Become Stronger
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Shop Less, Spend More
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Searching and Finding Tranquility
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Discreetly Dance With Me
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The American Dream
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A quick note...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Promise the Moment
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thank you God
It’s happening, just as the wind blows the lone leaf that sits at the foot of the open door. Time is moving, the family arrives and although it’s a sad time I feel happiness. Is she happy that it is time? Is she happy that she will soon be reunited with the love of her life? Is she looking forward to reuniting? Am I wrong to be skeptical of them ever really meeting again? Is that my lack of belief in God and religion?
She says she has accepted it because she has felt like she lost her 4 years ago when she lost her love. Do I not feel that because over these past 4 years I feel that it has been a chance for her and I to solidify our relationship? To become not just grandmother and granddaughter, but friends. I secretly lean on her and her strength as she does the same. I went to her when I needed support. I sat next to her not speaking about the things that hurt but using her words and stories to strengthen my own will and soul, for these reasons she was and is my rock.
Feeling selfish for the thoughts I have but needing so much. Within the past week so much has happened, so much has changed and so much is still to come. We won't know any answers until tomorrow. This week has consisted of me in pure denial, but it has also powered me to become stronger and to face reality. It's funny how it all happens at once. What's the saying, 'when it rains, it pours.'
I find it interesting how although we are all born to die, when death has finally approached us and sits only a few weeks or months from our door it is devastating. For something we are born to do and for something we know our entire lives, I would think that it wouldn't be so shocking.
It's so easy to push people away and I often do when things get serious. I guess it's just the way I work, it's my mechanism to avoiding the issue and making it disappear when it stands in front of me blinding my way. All I can say is thank you God for blessing us with the time and opportunity to keep our promise and gamble in Vegas together. And thank you God for giving me the chance to become so close to her. All I ask is that she passes with as little pain as possible.
Even when I think these things or I write them out in front of me, I feel as if it's too soon. I feel optimistic and hopeful that something is going to change. Something will happen and miraculously her life will be prolonged and she will again make the coleslaw and pumpkin pie for many more Thanksgiving gatherings to come.
Optimism or denial.... either way I'll find out tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Express Your Love
Monday, October 6, 2008
Take A Look
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Missing the moments...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
EmBrAcE iT
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Monday night. Wanting my ritual of writing every Monday to continue, I sit on my couch slightly distracted by the TV and internet, but begin to unravel my weave of thoughts.
I sit here and wonder how another fall has already crept upon us. It’s that in-between time where keeping the windows open at night means freezing when you crawl out of bed in the morning; winter seems to be looming in the air. How did this year, these months, and these days all go by so quickly? I’m sure that is everyone’s question when they look back upon the summer months or the first few weeks of the year, but it all just seems to go by so fast. It all seems to change so quickly.
Wishing you could go back to another moment on the lake, another instant in the snow, another minute of sleep is useless, a waste of a moment you can grasp.
Battler: a person who refuses to admit to defeat in the face of difficulty. The title of Gregory Douglass’ new CD, soon to be released in 2009. An amazing artist, one of the few that can sing and touch my soul. His words, his voice, his passion has a way of seeping through my skin and reaching the depths of my soul that just make me want to fall to my knees.
I was just on his myspace website (
And saw the title of his new CD and had to find the true definition of the word. I don’t know what it is about his music, but it has the ability to bring out any and every emotion of me. A person I once knew told me I had the ability to do that to him, how is this possible? How is it possible that a person I do not even know has this amazing ability without even knowing? Do we all hold these abilities without any knowledge? Is it possible that at some point in our lives we have this potential to draw every emotion from a person to their surface?
Have you ever had anyone like this in your life, or a person not even remotely in your life allow feelings you never knew existed become present and instantly prominent?
So a change of thought now that I’m done looking through the ‘word of the day’ on I work with this person who is so contradicting. I feel this person gives situations the upper hand in their life and lets these things, instances or conflicts take over their mood, day and often week. I feel like this person allows things to effect them more than needed. However, in a contradicting view, I’ve also seen them not give a shit. As if whatever they were doing was nothing, meant nothing and it just dissolved and they are indifferent to the outcome. How can a person be so contradicting? Is it the difference between caring for something and not having any emotional ties to the other?
Not sure, just thoughts.
I recently wrote a story for the Charlotte News, a story on Kelly Brush, creator of the Kelly Brush Foundation ( ) She became paralyzed a few years ago in a skiing accident, although recently paralyzed her dreams for life have only grown. A true inspiration and devoted woman.
My story was published on Tuesday and is on their website, (
It’s nice to see my name up there. J
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where were YoU?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sign Me Up